"Funny, I was thinking this earlier. I was going to suggest that a mouse is self aware as it tries to escape a cat. If it had no self awareness why would it do that ?"
-------- Learnt actions that either got reward sense (even stopping bad reward senses) OR learnt actions that are linked to senses that did get reward. Done on cue.
"Thinking and Consciousness is separating YourSelf from Reactions.
One way of Thiinking about it - is to Imagine it as defiing a set of Rules that You follow to make Decisions.
Then, your Decisions are clearly Decided and hopefully Conscious."
--------- No con. we robots, talking is actions done, thinking is senses being remembered when matched/fire and "directs" actions and saves/links senses too yep. Set of decision rules is that artificially linked reward as explained above, and are linked senses in a bar played out/matched easily now. Actions done, er no con. we robots. We do create a sensin ghost though.
A ‘thought’ is not just sensory input and actions… it’s a complex dance between the nuances of past/ present and predicted experience… even your posture/ the room temperature as you write… effect WHAT you will write… and how you will express yourself."
---------- Explained thoughts above, understanding is actions done you just say n do it all. No see = can't do right actions (not selected). Only senses and actions and their metadata exist in brain. You move, or you mentally see mom in memory, nothing else.
"Each and every ‘thought frame’ or decision you make is made up of past learning/ experience, the current sensory input… as well as the predicted sensory/ events you have learned from experience. When you have a ‘thought’… do you ‘think’ in your native language? How do you feel at this exact moment in time? You are reading this… already making judgements and decisions about how you are going to reply… do you know what you are thinking? Do you understand WHY you are going to write… what you will eventually write? This is part of being self-aware.
---------- Explained above, sense selection and therefore linked actions selected is by input, done if + rewarded (experience), 1 set in history bar has all motors actions tried & 5 senses saved if all 5 pass attention system, all your memory does affect the search target by strong neuron's energy that increases etc etc. Predictive is just explained - input search is affected. Selection has linked senses. Only by cue you will act. Explained above, i think in native language (images linked to English words/sounds n write/read actions) which ends up resulting in actions by remembering selected senses and also as said saves n links too while at it. I feel nothing while reading this. I want goods. Immortality of goods. I am writing to you. My judments/decisions as I read your text are on cue I say/write actions, linked senses n actions to selected senses exist, and mem's draw on the input's search. I don't know what I am thinking, only what I see on my screen and what the screen selects in my head while possibly sensing a pop up memory that may fire on its own. Understand WHY going to write what'll write - yes, if asked or happens to be selected (I have all ways), then your question plus special word ex. Why You Say > AI IS " "? Matches and I do actions on cue. Me understanding this is because I have noted down how it all works and images linked etc save match cue blahblah and you go and ask me basically "How" > "All above^"? and I do actions. How I understand and did actions for THAT is cus I'm pro. How I understood to say that is because a image n linked words standing for "infinite" is linked to it and so I will keep doing actions under that n undertstand that n underst that n understands that. Again shall we? I writing soooooo fast gotta sleep, my notes are more correct this is all from memory.
" Ie: Think before you leap ..."
---------- Cue match n start remembering selected/linked strong senses which affect actions selection set a actions.
Bonus note I wrote but will share now:
0-language people SENSE, sense is the initiater! If they learned left to right/vice-versa writing/timeline bar then they see that when remember.