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Home Made Robots / Re: Hi IM BAA---AAACK!!
« Last post by MagnusWootton on September 16, 2024, 09:49:10 pm »
Just learnt ALOT about local raytracing.    check this out.

This thing doesnt work with ordinary diffuse lighting,  the whole thing is actually specular reflection,  and its really horsepower intensive,   but I can run a bigger window multisampled tomorrow on my lil' bros rtx3080.
General Project Discussion / Re: Project Acuitas
« Last post by MagnusWootton on August 28, 2024, 12:45:49 am »
Really awesome work.

This would be really cool to add to a roomba so you could voice command it! :)

Acquitas is a form of sentience that doesnt involve a soul, so it seems good in a moral sense,  dont have to worry about the robot getting depressed even tho it has a good intellectual response, and getting the benefits from an intelligent machine.

It would be nice and convenient to just be able to speak to it to tell it what to do, instead of using a remote control which is the other option for a bot but there's things a remote cant do.

Tricky things like isolating the object in question in the scene from the rest of the objects in the scene (a usual part of a command),  that's when possibly the voice commanding gets a bit more involved.  - then it definitely could do more than just a remote.
Also another thing is the robot could make sure its the owner asking the command, that could take some good a.i. to handle the security as well.

so really good project,  and you dont need to use the gpt4 code if you know how to code it yourself. :)
Home Made Robots / Re: Hi IM BAA---AAACK!!
« Last post by MagnusWootton on August 28, 2024, 12:06:08 am »
Some modifications to the spring system,   I put alot more momentum into it now,     if u just leave it freewheeling it develops oscillations that eventually make it rip itself apart,   you need to add a form of breaking to the springs to make it hold together with adding as little viscocity as possible.  (thats the tricky bit.) this is 0.5 viscoscity so its not that bad, I havent added too much and its still holding together,  but if its less viscoscity then it loses control and splits apart.

Its still penetrating the ground with the "physical body"  (being the model ive attached to the spring model) so I need to fix that yet.    when the springs hit the ground they tend to bend against it and the "physical body" ends up going out of synch,  I think if I make it more taught against the ground by putting the ground verts in precedence in the spring update order it might fix it.


I managed to stop it going into the ground, and the sticks are more stuck to the body better.
But now it springs off the ground with the slightest tap of its leg.     but once ive fixed this its probably good enough!


actually come to think of it,  I better work on this some more,  it got better plus more bugs.   so I might just go improve the aesthetics a while then Ill get back to the physics a bit later.     soon as the physics done,  its onto the gait search system!


fixed the render!!  looks just like the openscad render!!!
just showing off my global illumination hack,  I do it as a post process,  lifts all the shadows, and Ive added a terrain.

General Project Discussion / Re: Project Acuitas
« Last post by WriterOfMinds on August 27, 2024, 10:19:31 pm »
This month I turned back to the Text Parser and began what I'm sure will be a long process: tackling sentence structure ambiguity. I was specifically focusing on ambiguity in the function of prepositional phrases. Consider these two sentences:

I gave the letter to John.
I gave Sarah the letter to John.

The prepositional phrase is "to John." The exact same phrase can modify either the verb, as in the first sentence (to whom did I give?) or the noun immediately preceding it, as in the second sentence (which letter?). In this example, the distinguishing factor is nothing in the phrase itself, but the presence or absence of an indirect object. In the second sentence, the indirect object takes over the role of indicating "to whom?", so by process of elimination, the phrase must indicate "which letter."

There are further examples in which the plain structure of the sentence gives no sign of a prepositional phrase's function. For instance, there multiple modes in which "with" can be used:

I hit the nails with the hammer. (Use of a tool; phrase acts as adverb attached to "hit")
I found the nails with the hammer. (Proximity; phrase acts as adverb attached to "found")
I hit the nails with my friends. (Joint action; phrase acts as adverb attached to "hit")
I hit the nails with the bent shanks. (Identification via property; phrase acts as adjective attached to "nails")

How do you, the reader, tell the difference? In this case, it's the meaning of the words that clues you in. And the meaning lies in known properties of those concepts, and the relationships between them. This is where the integrated nature of Acuitas' Parser really shines. I can have it query the semantic memory for hints that help resolve the ambiguity, such as:

Are hammers/friends/shanks typically used for hitting?
Can hammers/friends/shanks also hit things?
Are hammers/friends/shanks something that nails typically have?

More on the blog:
Home Made Robots / Re: Hi IM BAA---AAACK!!
« Last post by MagnusWootton on August 27, 2024, 06:04:55 am »
so I've got him in the physics sim, ready to breathe life into him.
There was a million bugs to tackle to get this to happen cause im pretty much coding it all cross wired, but just managed to get it going in about 5 days from the last post.
this is just random motor movements, sorta looks like hes struggling to get off the floor but its just your imagination.
Ive got to fix the physics first before I get the motor search going,  his legs are going through the ground - needs a few fixes then off I go.   I have a really good rtx 3080 here I can use, (My little bro is staying over atm and I get to use his sick video card.)

AI News / Re: LLaMA2 Meta's chatbot released
« Last post by spydaz on August 24, 2024, 02:58:36 pm »
I am reluctant to try it as I don't know what is in it.

these models are actually the key to the future of AI !
currently i made over 350 model : lately i delete most and have 100 models left!
the training and moulding of the model is actually quite fun !
the systems that i have been creating have far supassed the past !
way in the future now !
I dont see any programming project as a challenge or new reverse engineering problem as any thing !
the quest for knowldge has not been easier !
ai is arriving !
AI News / Re: ollama and llama3
« Last post by spydaz on August 24, 2024, 02:55:13 pm »
Access to generative artificial intelligence just changed radically and for the better. Until recently our options were to use online services which were potentially very expensive and almost certainly heavily restricted, or to try to use open source models locally which required high end hardware to operate and which produced disappointing and mediocre results at best.

Last year we saw the release of ollama which made it incredibly easy to run just about any large language model locally no matter what platform you're on. You still needed a powerful system but at least you didn't have to learn a lot of obscure methods to use it.

Last month the open source large language model llama3 was released. It has proven to be as capable as models two hundred times its size and is so efficient you can run it on a Raspberry Pi 5 if you want to, though it might take some patience.

I've been experimenting with it and it seems to be as good as any of the models that I have used online. I am running it on a Linux system with 24 cores, 64 GB of RAM, and 16 GB of video RAM. The smaller 8 billion parameter model responds to my queries almost instantly while the larger 70 billion parameter model can take a minute or two. Mostly the results produced by the smaller model are quite good enough.

Yes i think we need a area just for hugging face posts !

Home Made Robots / Re: Hi IM BAA---AAACK!!
« Last post by MagnusWootton on August 23, 2024, 12:03:04 am »
so here i've done up the head a bit more to match the legs. (and the stuff is inside, fitting.) - sortof, you can see it poking out the sides and bottom, im just gonna go put some lime green caps on it and call it done, for now.

you can see the kinect mounted vertically in the middle of the front of the head.
The problem with that is i have the horizontal res as the vertical, so it means it sees more up and down than left and right,   I guess that'll make him have better feet detection for the pose detector, so maybe it might not be that bad.

So its just too many pipes for the double actuator system, its 12, and they all have to be in a line across the bending plastic to keep the volume the same throughout the angle change  and they are just too skinny,  they are only about 2mm pipes and the resistance is all the way to the actuator AND back... but I can get it to 6 if I make it single actuator, and the path is only down the leg once. so Ive reduced it to one and am going to implement suction for the reverse actuation.   Ive worked out how im going to get the suck energy, its a bit of a bitch of a build but  i should be able to do it.

So now I just have to organize everything nice and snug inside its head, I think I have enough space,  I gave it a fairly eggy head so I could fit it all in.


here he is with the caps.  he looks like hes got decoy eyes! q:)

Home Made Robots / Re: Hi IM BAA---AAACK!!
« Last post by MagnusWootton on August 22, 2024, 02:52:05 pm »
I dont know if this is going to work,   I havent even built the test actuator yet.  :2funny:

There is two actuators one for pushing left and one for pushing right, it goes 45 degrees each polarity for a total of 90 degrees.    so its only low flexability, I think I can get the robot to walk with only low angular freedom, if I'm flexing plastic to turn it I thought I'd better keep it down for this first one,  more chance it's going to work.

The animation I made doesn't express the full flexability of the system, it looks a little short stroked but thats cause I didnt do the animation properly,   it has more flexability than whats shown.   but it is just 90 degrees total for each leg,  I thought if I keep it down its got more chance in working.

So I dont know if its got enough power to just push its way back through the other "vein" back into the other actuator,  if it doesn't,  I might have make it pull as well as push but then the internal resoviour is alot harder to make push and pull, so I'm trying to get away with it.
Home Made Robots / Re: Hi IM BAA---AAACK!!
« Last post by WriterOfMinds on August 22, 2024, 05:58:22 am »
Your bellows actuators look to be grouped in pairs - is each pair associated with one joint or two? How many degrees of freedom does each leg have total?
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