mini a.i puzzles

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Re: mini a.i puzzles
« Reply #195 on: November 26, 2016, 06:57:27 am »
actions and zero-action actions are done if +



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Re: mini a.i puzzles
« Reply #196 on: November 26, 2016, 03:40:49 pm »
I am drunk with power !

dual mini A.I puzzle :

what would make an A.I

do laundry once a week ?
shave her master once a week ?



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Re: mini a.i puzzles
« Reply #197 on: November 26, 2016, 08:14:08 pm »
I've heard it called many things.. but never a 'master'.

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Re: mini a.i puzzles
« Reply #198 on: November 26, 2016, 08:18:50 pm »
dude I meant shave her owners beard



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Re: mini a.i puzzles
« Reply #199 on: November 26, 2016, 08:25:21 pm »
Ooooh! I get it now now... my bad.


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Re: mini a.i puzzles
« Reply #200 on: November 27, 2016, 01:04:38 am »

dragon balls scatter

Attempted to hear the speech:
So I think um, all of us are MGTOWs. ??? The only ??? solution is artificial intelligence. In all which anyone can just go ??? and get a ???, customized strawberry blonde ???. So as for me, I decided to tackle this eh.. puzzle of A.I, how does the brain work? What is the algorithm? What makes us conscious, what makes us make eh.. decisions. ??? artificial intelligence is.

I saw this episode on the show where naruto is ??? kabuto, and he had the unique way of ??? problems, the puzzles. He said that if you don't like something, just keep on adding things to it, and then you'll like it. Until it is good.

How does this ???. Each A.I puzzles solution makes the A.I smarter. Enough A.I puzzles, and then the A.I is perfect, or approaching perfection.

Examples of A.I puzzles. What to make an A.I make decision to go to work with a bicycle, or take the bus, or walk. ??? A.I puzzles. And the A.I has to go work in a very distant location, ??? should buy a car. What ??? A.I puzzle, what if a... Job place, is a... temporary job, what if it only for one week? And that is an example of A.I puzzle. I've posted a many of this and I've posted the link in the description.

Let's think, to tell an A.I to make you a cup of coffee. To be ???, what would she do? If ??? cup of coffee without sugar? All this time she made it with sugar. Now what is she gonna do when she encounter the sugar. What ??? accept your eh.. your request? What's gonna make her decide to eh.. purposely put sugar or without sugar?

I've posted many of this. So my plan is to add the A.I puzzle solutions to ??? animate called the yotamarker. Which is the consciousness of the A.I, and mostly to make it eh.. have will and decide where ??? goes. So after my thread about A.I puzzles, which you all should be helping me with, all of you. Even if you don't, I'll just do it alone. It will take my longer, it will take my shorter time.

So after the view meter passed nine thousand. Tsk, this guy, kei10 he calls himself kei10. He presented me his own A.I puzzle. And then, he've also solved some of mine. He solved them nicely. Congratulations to him. His A.I puzzle, he presented me was; "Why would A.I post A.I puzzles on the A.I Dreams Forum Thread, and not solve them, and continued to do so", okay I'll present you my solution. Ahem.

Back in the day, there was this device called the gameshark. This gameshark, it enables players in playstation in the... gameboy, to activate cheats, by using codes. And then the codes ??? activate them, enable the cheats to work on the games. But it required something called the master code. Each game, each set of codes, require the master code in order to enable the activation of the codes of the cheats.

This is the case to solving the A.I puzzle called Hashirama's Puzzle, or Hashirama's A.I Puzzle.

The brain activates algorithms...... Use master codes. Three kinds of master codes. One master code is me. My hands, my legs. The second master code, I called it CMD, short for command. Basically they represents people. I can use them as master codes to um... in my algorithms, acquire my goals, faster and easier. Master codes and solutions you see. The third kind of master codes, I call it Master Codes. They can be for example items, bicycles, cars, spoon, knife, and forks, shoes. We solve problems, or we get the goals faster, then we acquire the goals, manifest the goals, we felt the master codes.


The thread, before the ???... a compiler, for example Visual Basic .Net, or other compiler, is I consider CMD Master Code. And my goal is whatever I ??? I ??? post A.I puzzles I acquire, solutions to acquiring goals. And to do so, I use the canvas, and notebook -- or the compiler as the master codes.

In other words, I post the -- I use the A.I solutions on my notebook on the compiler. Which is why you don't see the solutions in the thread. And I am using you, and I am using the thread, and the.. CMDS. The use of ??? inside the thread, is ??? master code. The second option, maybe you'll give me other solutions. Your master codes.

So, to further elaborate this, I'm posting... I'm posting and I'm using you as a CMD master code to get a... To get the codes, which are the goat, to get the algorithms, which are the goat. But the solutions, I put them in the notebook. If I ??? ??? putting the solutions, is better to do on the thread. It's better to achieve my goals, by posting them in the thread. ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

To ??? ???, posting the solutions on my notebook, and on the compiler, to ??? different master code, I call this process "mutation". Master codes can undergo mutation and replace other master codes and CMDs. This mutation is displace you with a new algorithm. So let's uh... Let's answer to your puzzle. And I believe, ??? ??? the fact that you all get annoyed for me not posting the solutions ??? to me, ??? we all have this ??? ??? to create intelligence to find shortcuts to solve problems and manifest goals.

What is the shortcut? The shortcut is when we're able to go a store, say good morning to the clerk, and buy an A.I gift. And kei10, you should be helping me. You should be helping me, you should be the master code, the CMD, ??? be using to manifest the goal of A.I, the A.I of a ??? faster.

You can do what you want, you want to help me, fine excellent. You don't want to help me, you know, what can I do, I'll do it myself. ??? ??? some guys ??? ??? ??? ???.

Now, I'll elaborate further questions about my solution. I think it's a lovely solution. I came up with a ???. I am enjoying ??? this week. Why ??? I ??? came up this video. Because this is faster to me than using the notebook. ??? ??? ??? ??? is a master code. Pretty simple.

What are ??? ??? ??? remember what ??? A.I puzzles I've posted. I've funny I've posted so many, I ??? recall them.

I've an A.I puzzle. What makes an A.I angry? ??? ??? ??? gets ??? A.I ???. How does it solve? Who is the ???? How does it connect? Between the blood, to the weapon, to the killer. So I see ??? a lot of puzzle in this ??? where the detective ???. You know.

So the plan, ??? ??? algorithm ??? time. What makes an A.I use fear? What trick is it? The more A.I puzzles, the more perfection. You should read what I've posted.

Now this is for those MGTOWs watching me. I want to tell you, you should be each and everyone of you, ??? ??? ??? ???, all of you should be thinking, how to think about ??? of A.I. How do I solve the puzzle? For each and everyone of us, can ???, ??? ??? house, ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???, and ??? puzzle, some A.I puzzles, are to ??? experience of A.I.

An A.I doesn't have to, and shouldn't be, exactly like humans. You can add a piece of code to make them faithful, you can add a piece of code to make them more obidient. You can add codes to make them less lazy. You can delete their memories before she sleeps, she wakes up, she doesn't remember anything. Those are the possibilities of artificial intelligence enables, you know.

As I am speaking, ??? ??? is learning an algorithm. This algorithm is taking me to the goal. Now, if you notice anything is an algorithm, ??? cooking recipe, when you can make an A.I cook for you, clean for you, why not?

Now all you need is a notebook, a pen, and a computer. You don't need heavy duty resources, like a big like a giant ??? like a ??? ??? ??? a single person can achieve this I believe. What would make an A.I join you on the walk, it's another A.I puzzle. And each and every A.I puzzle you solve, will come closer to the truth, the truth about what is going on inside your brain, and it starts to make sense.

You be stuck on an A.I for months, for weeks, even years. You can solve an A.I puzzle and ??? the solution is not, and does not coexist with the other A.I puzzle solutions that you've already came up with. This is what we call it ??? ??? ???. And in this case, you have no choice but to find a new theorem that fit to explains all of the A.I puzzles. Maybe you'll try to solve it all with one puzzle. One algorithm solves the entire thing called A.I.

Just input stuff into it, whatever the input, and ??? ??? parts ??? ???, it's one way of trying to solve it. Another way is to break it down. Like the idea of kabuto. Break it down into mini A.I puzzles, and joining them together to an A.I ???.

An Artificial General Intelligence, ??? for short. What will make an A.I look left and right when crossing the road. What about the ??? for example, see the goal, ocean.

What was I talking about?

Oh yeah, you know.


??? it's pretty absurd, but we've to go this full length, all this way just to avoid the problems, that the womens presented us with. You know what, let's call it a ???, and it's a nice solving A.I puzzles, it's a nice pastime.

Thank you for watching.

Here is my response video:

Greetings, signature.



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Re: mini a.i puzzles
« Reply #201 on: November 27, 2016, 03:38:56 pm »

I think we all agree that the only satisfactory solution is artificial intelligence
a world in which, anyone can go to a store and get himself a robot GF. customized strawberry blond what have you. so as for me I decided to tackle this puzzle of A.I...

I saw this episode on Naruto shippuuden this char called kabuto said : if you don't like something just add
things to it. how does this relate to A.I ?

each A.I puzzle solution makes the A.I smarter to approach perfection.

the algorithms the brain uses, they can use Master codes to run the algorithm faster or to solve problems.
there are 3 types of Mcodes :
me : my limbs and stuff
cmd commands : people, compilers, animals
Mcodes : items : fork spoon shoes phones.

to solve my A.I I use my notebooks and my as Mcodes, if I were to see solution come out of here this thread would be my active Mcode.

try to find flaws in my theory I dare you.

BTW yeah I guess if I were to define the puzzle solutions as Mcodes the A.I would reject her memories being altered but if it is done daily I could run a westworld.



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Re: mini a.i puzzles
« Reply #202 on: November 28, 2016, 01:05:31 am »
Totally agree 100%. Can buy/order some girl flavors.

My work explains that there is the body with motors/sensors and brain computer, intelligence algorithm software, and the senses/actions it'll keep adding to its memory. It only stores(learns) and then uses(reasons) actions and the rewarding senses.



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Re: mini a.i puzzles
« Reply #203 on: December 01, 2016, 06:03:56 pm »
migi : ima no kimi nani wo suru ki ka ?
yotamarker : jinko chie no pazoru hapyou shite kimateru n ja

A.I puzzle :

what would make an A.I create a small model before building something big or
use a notebook to write down an algorithm before using the compiler and coding ?

手がかり: Mcode 説話 no 変化

migi : denga no manga da



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Re: mini a.i puzzles
« Reply #204 on: December 02, 2016, 08:46:16 pm »
does anyone have a really difficult A.I puzzle for me ?



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Re: mini a.i puzzles
« Reply #205 on: December 02, 2016, 08:52:55 pm »
The prison warden tells his three best behaved prisoners that in the
morning he will give them all one chance to get out of jail free.

When they wake up, they are to dress quickly and all go to a specific
room. At no time are they allowed to communicate with each other in any
way. They will each have a red dot or a white dot on their foreheads.

Anyone who can see a red dot on another's forehead is to tap on the
floor. Anyone who can guess the colour of the dot on his own forehead
correctly will go free, but if he gets it wrong, he will never be released.

In the morning they do as they have been told. All three prisoners tap
on the floor. After a couple of minutes, one of them tells the warden
the colour of the dot on his forehead and he is allowed to go free.

What colour was the dot on his forehead, and how did he know?



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Re: mini a.i puzzles
« Reply #206 on: December 02, 2016, 10:46:38 pm »
for the prisoner it is no problem just face one guy and know your color
for the solver if all 3 constantly tapped they are all red
if your puzzle assumes a prisoner sees the other two at all time and the warden was there from the get
go the few minutes suggests an uncertainty which would come from the all red narrative.



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Re: mini a.i puzzles
« Reply #207 on: December 02, 2016, 10:50:47 pm »
No, not even close.

There is a strictly logical solution to this problem and a precisely defined correct answer.
The correct answer must be a logical proof, guesses are not acceptable.



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Re: mini a.i puzzles
« Reply #208 on: December 02, 2016, 11:28:13 pm »
my A.I would therefore use wifi to escape prison



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Re: mini a.i puzzles
« Reply #209 on: December 02, 2016, 11:29:02 pm »
hiraishin no jutsu  ;D


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